Lacus Somniorum

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OPUS the LadyoftheLake

// from the mistress herself

nomen. Lacus Somniorum
    aevum. 18

quick profile

   The mistress is presently a pre-law student, working part time at several ludicrous jobs within her home city. She is born on the 23rd of May, under the divine protection of the star Mercury. Her chinese zodiac is the Snake -- and according to the astrologers, people born on the year of the Snake is physically pleasing, attractive, witty and mischievous at times.

   She had been writing stories, drawing comics and other random art since she was ten years old -- hobbies she adopted from her eldest sister, who had been a favorite of several language and free writing teachers in her highschool days, and from her eldest brother, who had been a fan of Marvel comics and 2D animation video games. She had been greatly influenced by japanese literature in creative work, from drawing style, to novel and short story genre, music composition, and even in her personality.

   The LadyoftheLake, (or mizumi no onna, as she calls herself in japanese) is an avid fan of Kare Kano, Fruits Basket, Blood†, Inu Yasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Sailor Moon, Shin Shirayuki Hime Densetsu Pretear, Neon Genesis Evangelion, among many others. She also reads novels by Anne Rice (erotica included), Paulo Coelho, Arthur Golden, Edgar Allan Poe, Judith McNaught, and John Grisham, who is also popular for court law-oriented novels.

   The mistress also has special affinity with music and theatrical art. She plays the piano and violin (her favorite), the guitar, the recorder and sings as well, albeit performs averagely in all forms. She is currently wishing for an upright piano at home, a Hohner violin and any cello with acceptable tonal quality (cello is very expensive... a Hohner cello is waayy too much to ask for). Her music icon idols are Nobuo Uematsu-san Yoko Kanno-san and several classical geniuses like Mozart, Paganini, Chopin, Reinhold and Beethoven. She also loves videogames like all other boys two years her senior (or even younger. She exceptionally favors the Final Fantasy Series beginning with FFVII (adores Advent Children) until present Final Fantasy title (XIII), and Koei Samurai/Dynasty Warriors series (Empires inclusio).

   At present, she enjoys current domicile at South East Asia, although she plans on leaving the area for Japan or Italy, whichever fate desides for her.